This article has been developed in cooperation with ültje.
A soft, fluffy and sweet yeast dough with peanut butter and chocolate in it. That is exactly what we got for you today. And this beauty is called babka.
Do you know Babka? It is from Poland, Russia or Ukraine and there it is well known. There are a lot of different versions of it and according to wikipedia we use to make the jewish version of it. We spread things over the dough and roll it up, cut it in halves and knot the strings together. That is what causes this great pattern to build.
We used some crunchy peanut butter from ueltje and some chocolate. We know ueltje quite a while now but we were not aware that they also have peanut butter (well, we don’t eat much of it, that might be why). As soon as we heard of it we had the idea to make a babka out of it. Since we like the brand and the sustainability they follow we just asked for a cooperation. And look what happened… We all agreed and now we can show you this amazing babka. Since the peanut butter is 90%n peanuts we mix it with cream so that it doesn’t get too dry. We also mix the chocolate with cream since it would get hard when it is cool and we don’t want that. After baking the babka we made sugar syrup and put it on top as well as some nuts 😉
We even got a small video for you abut how to make a babka and we hope you like it. We try to attach some videos to our recipes from now on and we really hope that they make some things more clear and are fun to watch 🙂
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