Last week I worked 6 days at an exhibition in Düsseldorf which means exhibition food. I worked at a high-level stand for a successful company and hoped that maybe we get some fresh food. But well that was so not the case. Very sad. It was all convenience. Ready-made cakes, instant soup, and on top of it all instant mashed potatoes. If you serve something like this as a cook, I think you should absolutely quit your job.I have absolutely no idea how one can serve something like this. You have to have any demands to food you serve, right? I can’t imagine ever serving this to my guests and we are not even cooks.
I don’t only wanna talk bad about the food. There was some good fish, sadly it had tons of bones, goulash and pepper-relish that were really tasty. I just think it is very sad that gastronomes use convenience products even though making sth fresh is often so easy and cheap. But I also have to say that not a single guest complained about the food so they seemed to like it. Again I ask myself how that is possible. have they never tried any other free-made food? That is even more sad that they didn’t complain.
After this week I really wanted to cook and tried a new recipe for asian style pasta. It worked right away (yeah) and i am sure that it will with you, too. It is super easy and fast and perfect for a fresh meal after work.
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I hope you like this asian-style pasta with meatballs as much as we do and see that it is so easy and fast. There is no need for convenience food 😉