great asian-style pasta with hot meat balls

Von tellerabgeleckt
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great asian-style pasta with hot meat balls

Last week I worked 6 days at an exhibition in Düsseldorf which means exhibition food. I worked at a high-level stand for a successful company and hoped that maybe we get some fresh food. But well that was so not the case. Very sad. It was all convenience. Ready-made cakes, instant soup, and on top of it all instant mashed potatoes. If you serve something like this as a cook, I think you should absolutely quit your job.I have absolutely no idea how one can serve something like this. You have to have any demands to food you serve, right? I can’t imagine ever serving this to my guests and we are not even cooks.

I don’t only wanna talk bad about the food. There was some good fish, sadly it had tons of bones, goulash and pepper-relish that were really tasty. I just think it is very sad that gastronomes use convenience products even though making sth fresh is often so easy and cheap. But I also have to say that not a single guest complained about the food so they seemed to like it. Again I ask myself how that is possible. have they never tried any other free-made food? That is even more sad that they didn’t complain.

After this week I really wanted to cook and tried a new recipe for asian style pasta. It worked right away (yeah) and i am sure that it will with you, too. It is super easy and fast and perfect for a fresh meal after work.

great asian-style pasta with hot meat balls
Last week I worked 6 days at an exhibition in Düsseldorf which means exhibition food. I worked at a high-level stand for a successful company and hoped that maybe we get some fresh food. But well that was so not… Allgemein great asian-style pasta with hot meat balls European Print This
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


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      • 200g minced beef
      • Hsing-Fu-pasta
      • 1 handfull peas
      • 1 carrot
      • 2 spring onions
      • 1 clove of garlic
      • soy-sauce
      • 1 orange
      • sweet-chili-sauce
      • a small piece of ginger
      • some chili
      • 1 tbsp honey


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  1. Put the minced beef in a bowl, add chopped ginger, garlic, some chili and 1 tbsp soy sauce and knead it. Form really small balls, we recommend them smaller than the ones in the picture they were even too big.
  2. Put a pot of water on the stove and let it boil. As soon as it boils, put the pasta in but in the meantime (until it boils) you can cut the carrots and the spring onions and get some orange zest. Now fry the balls of minced beef in a pan with some oil. They must be brown from every side. Just right before you take them out, add a tablespoon of honey and stir it again.
  3. Put the balls aside and use the pan for the carrots. Add about 4 tbsp water to the carrots so that they are ready faster. Now in the meantime, you can mix 2 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp sweet-chili sauce and the juice of half an orange in a bowl to give it to the pasta afterwards.
  4. Now add the peas, spring onion and orange zest to the pan. After a minute or two add the pasta, if it is ready, and add the sauce as well as the meatballs and stir it well. Now you can serve it.


I hope you like this asian-style pasta with meatballs as much as we do and see that it is so easy and fast. There is no need for convenience food 😉


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