We gotta admit that we are in some kind of fall/winter feeling already so that we decided to put some baked apples in our cake instead of usual ones. We are definately fans of baked apples. Even though I shouldn’t really eat any of its ingredients (apples, nuts, cinnamon) I just love it and if it’s baked, one can eat it despite the allergies. Did you ever try anything with baked apples? We made jam, cake and Schnaps, which is my favourite 😉 Veeeeeery tasty, I can assure you. But the cake is as well so delicious and with the flavour of winter it is just a dream.
Concerning the apples, I think it does not really matter which one you take as long as you like it. I love Braeburn so I would prefer those but you can take Gala or whatever you like. I just heard that red apples were better for baking than green ones.
I had a little bit of dough left so I made 2 Muffins filled with BA jam. Easy, fast and the left-overs are someone’s pleasure. Since the first cake didn’t look the way we wanted it to, we had to bake another one and my Aunt and my godchild were really happy about the cake 😛
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I really hope, you enjoy our cake just like we did 😉