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This Year we got the best Christmas present ever and that even a while before Christmas. Thanks to Tefal and the DK-Verlag we were actually able to meet Jamie Oliver who presented his new book, the Christmas Cookbook, in Munich. This was really our biggest dream come true. We both started cooking because of Jamie Oliver back in the days of the naked chef. We didn’t know each other back then but we both know almost every single series, youtube-videos, we have loads of books and we already once ate at his restaurant “fifteen” in London. He is our very idol. Ok, other people admire musicians, actors or sportsmen but we admire a TV chef. The meeting showed us that we are not alone with it, though.
Since he just visited Munich, we had to get there by train. Yay, 6 hours to Munich (starting at 5:30 in the morning) 6 hours in Munich and then 6 hours back because Jana had an appointment at the university the next morning. Really bad timing. So 12 hours of driving in an ICE (at least that) but you know, we wouldn’t have done it it wasn’t for Jamie Oliver. I mean, seriously,, it was Jamie Oliver. 😉
Just right before the meeting, we became extremely nervous. We were there with about 50 other bloggers and journalists. We went to the hotel, drove up to Lobby where they served a lot of food and drinks but except for a glass of wine for Jana (to deal with her anxiety) we were not able to eat anything because we were just like teenage kids meeting a star 😀 When the moment finally arrived, we were incredibly nervous and when we entered the room it reached the climax. We wanted to take a lot of pictures but when he came in we just listened to all he said and Jana got very excited when he talked about things she wrote in her bachelor thesis about whom? Guess what. Jamie Oliver 😉 so we don’t have any pictures of the situation. He talked about his book and some family anecdotes for about 15 minutes than he took about 10 minutes just for us bloggers, which was really nice even though neither of us was able to speak even 1 word 😀 Afterwards he signed our books and talked to us a bit and he even picked our winners for our lottery we just had on the blog. It was so amazing. Lars had the idea just shortly before so we had to make prepare everything on our way to Munich. There is a video on Facebook about how he picked the winners. Great thing and a memory we will keep like forever 🙂
The main reason he was there was his Christmas Cookbook. And each of us who were there got one so that he could sign it. Really nice thing. This is quite a large book with its 408 pages (in german, we don’t have this one in english). The ones before have 288 and 312 pages which is quite a bit less than this one. But there is a reason. It was something that personally matters to him and a once in a lifetime project. So everything he wanted to had to be in this one book. There are some typical chapters like starters, main courses and desserts but also chapters for potatoes and gifts and for using up scraps. The nutritional values are as well part of the book and even though sometimes we would rather not know how many calories are hidden in some food, it is generally a really good thing. The pictures and stories really provide a feeling of Christmas. As really long-term fans we know a few of the recipes and some things we have done several times before but it’s the classics, right. We were really glad about the chapters with the sweet stuff, because that is something we missed in the books before.
We even have a little something for you. It’s the meatloaf from Jamie’s Christmas Cookbook. Thanks to Tefal we even got our very own Jamie Oliver Tefal pan (which is our favorite one, not only because it is Jamie Oliver). We used it to cook the meatloaf and this pan is really genius. This casserole is the best pan we have. We introduced another great Tefal pan a few weeks before but this one is our favourite. The bottom and the edge are in a 90° angle and that makes the pan really huge. The edge is special as well because you can pour the sauce and don’t have to clean the whole house afterwards. And the very best thing is that it even has a lid. So you can use it just for everything you like.
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We took out the meatloaf a little early, so it wasn’t well done. Just stick to the times and you’ll be fine.
We really hope you like it as much as we did and maybe there is some Jamie-Fan out there as well 🙂