A fast tipp for breakfast: selfmade Nutella. We so much love DIY things and we got some nuts, so why not make Nutella? There is always less sugar in everything you DIY. We really think that it is important to watch after your sugar consumption so why not reduce it wherever one can? It doesn’t taste less good so come on, just try it, you don’t have to leave it out, just reduce it a bit ;)I chose 3 different types of nuts but one is absolutely enough, sometimes we only take hazelnuts and it is not less tasty 🙂 At the moment I need sooooo much chocolate. Maybe it’s connected to the uni stress I have, who knows? But actually chocolate saved me once or twice after a mathematics course. For the next one, I’m probably gonna bring a glas of Nutella and a spoon 😀 Jana is not so much of a chocolate-person but I am for both of us. I think it’s crazy not to love chocolate. It usually saves my day.
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Put it in a nice jar and that’s it. By the way, it is a perfect christmas gift as well 🙂
In case you are allergic, not to nuts directly (then just don’t eat it at all) but for those with cross allergies (as Jana) we have a tip: Just heat the nuts up in a pan, without oil or anything else, like that you should be able to eat it as well, that’s how we do it and it works 🙂
So why don’t you try it and let us know?