fluffy cherry-coconut muffins

Von tellerabgeleckt
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Do you have a favorite food /dish/recipe that tastes just great but looks like sh**? Well, we do. And this of one of those. We really like these muffins and we bake them quite often but we have to admit that they don’t look as tasty as they actually are. They look dry as hell but because of the cherries and the yoghurt they aren’t the slightest bit what they look like. Sad story. Lars and I, we are not the biggest fans of frostings and icings. I know, they look good and colorful but most of the time they are way too sweet and seriously, how am I supposed to eat such a cupcake without having all the frosting all over my face? 😀 And actually I think that these muffins don’t need either of it.

I don’t really know why but I love the ones with fruits. Blueberry, apple-cinnamon or cherry-coconut. They are so tasty and they really don’t need any frosting. Well, OK, if you like it, go ahead and concerning chocholate-muffins I would probably even use a chocolate cream or I don’t know.  OK, maybe I didn’t have breakfast before I wrote this entry, that’s why I would eat everything right now.



I love these muffins and I hope, you do, too.





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