What is actually better than a small cookie? Right, a giant cookie with chocolate filling. Makes sense, right? We just love american cookies with huge chunks of chocolate and a tenderness one can only dream of. But we didn’t want to form all the balls this time so we took a tarte form, put half of the dough in it, covered it with chocolate cream and finished it with the rest of the dough as topping. The chocolate cream we used was Ovomaltine and t hen you just have to put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes and you get a tasty giant cookie.
Actually, the chocolate filling makes everything so much better. You really can’t stop eating piece after piece. Our friends couldn’t stop either and they told us to sell the recipe to Starbucks 😀 Guess they had too much sugar that day.
We used Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream for the filling. Do you know it? We got to know it when one of us got one of those bags they sometimes pass out at the universities for students ( of course we are at the uni when they are being spread) So once we got that Ovomaltine crunchy cream and we were like, ok, never seen that before, gotta taste it. Best thing about this cream is the real crunchiness. There are these little pieces of crunch in it that make it so damn tasty. And that is why it is perfect for the cookie, otherwise it wouldn’t be such a surprise.
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