A Guglhupf filled with pudding? Sure, that is just what we got here. Not too long ago we posted another Guglhupf with Baileys and so we thought we needed a new version of it. Something more special. So we got the idea of filling it with pudding. As you as our reader might know, we both really love self made pudding.
So today I’m gonna tell you the story of our filled Guglhupf.
Once upon a time there were 2 Bloggers who had the fantastic idea of filling a cake with pudding. So they created a recipe and went to town for all the shopping. When they came back home they started to prepare the pudding and the dough right away. They filled some dough, pudding, dough, pudding and dough in a form and put it in the oven until it was ready. But when the cake was done and the two cut out a piece, the second layer of pudding was gone for good and the first one was completely at the top of the cake which was not what they expected. So they had to eat the whole cake and think of another way. One week later they went to town again for all the shopping and when they came home, they started to prepare the pudding and the dough right away. But this time, they baked the cake, let it cool down, cut off the top, scratched out the filling and filled it with raspberries and pudding, put the top back on and got a wonderful cake. It was so tasty that when some friends came over, the Gugl was never to be seen again. The end.
We actually made this one with nuts or almonds and we love the combination of nuts, pudding and raspberries. And we thought after this long time of healthy food it is time for some seriously unhealthy cake 🙂
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