Everything is better with cheese, right? We used 3 different types of cheese in our mac’n’cheese so it’s gotta be perfect 😀 Mac’n’cheese is a real Sunday dinner for the whole family. Some use a roux as base but we don’t what makes the dish a bit lighter and the sauce is even more creamy due to the cream cheese. We saw this recipe at “cooking like Heston Blumenthal” where he talked about cheese a whole episode. he made some mac’n’cheese and we really wanted to show you how to do it.
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Amendment by Jana:
P.S (I love you), no seriously, I love reading on Sundays, when there is nothing better to do. Of course, I have to read a lot for uni but that’s usually not so much fun, except for those essays about zombies 😉 I really love P.S. I love you, read it in 3 different languages and watched the movie. By now I have read all of Cecilia Ahern’s book except for the latest. I really love all of her books but since it was the first one I read I wanted to introduce this one to you.
Well, I can really recommend the movie, I mean, Gerard Butler, right? But I really love the books Cecilia Ahern writes in such a beautiful manner, it is always so lively and lovely. So if you are looking for a Sunday afternoon book, I recommend Cecilia Ahern and Jojo Moyes.