Pasta with pepper and FetaPasta with pepper and Feta

Von tellerabgeleckt
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We regularly wanna eat pasta. Strangely enough, one usually has tomato sauce in mind. But you know, pepper sauce is so much better than always the same :). Sometimes we’re a blockhead and if we didn’t see this pepper sauce somewhere we would have never tried it. But why not? It is so tasty and you definitely miss something if you have never tried this before.

Very often you need some external input to become aware of the most obvious things. That doesn’t only concern cooking but clothing, furnishing or DIY stuff. Sometimes I ask myself how people got ideas ein earlier times, before social network.

Well I am glad that pages like Facebook, Instagram or especially Pinterest exist. Otherwise I might have never discovered this delicious sauce for pasta and by the way other think taste really good with, too, like potato salad.

Now you just have to get to the table, talk and enjoy your meal. 😉


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