Let’s talk about sweets for Christmas. What do you need most? I definitely have to have a lot of almond cookies. Oh dear, I could complete base my nutrition on them. Since I know that this wouldn’t be too good for both my health and my body, I always fight against that urge. I don’t know how you feel about the appearance of Spekulatius cookies in supermarkets but I am always excited. We have to wait so many month until they come back. Caramel cookies are nice as well but no Spekulatius, right?
For us, baking cookies belongs to Christmas as Captain America does to the Avengers 😉 Just has to be. The cookies you can buy are nice but you will never get that Christmas kind of feeling you get when baking them yourself. For me the best thing about baking is eating them while they are still hot and then realizing they were too hot so that your tongue is burnt and you have to wait at least another half an hour before being able to eat anything again.
What are your favorite recipes concerning cookies? Do you like to try new stuff or rely on grandma’s recipe? We’re like in between. Some things are better the old way but sometimes you have to try new things. So we tried to make almond cookies with Christmas spices. Our first try wasn’t really good. They were way too hard and not intense enough but now we got a nice recipe after trying a bit.
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Have fun baking these guys, Jana 🙂